Pasture, Birmingham
Steakhouse + Bar
Location: Birmingham, UK Opened: 2024
Covers: 212 Area: 718sqm / 7730sqft
“What Manchester is to cotton, Bradford to wool and Sheffield in steel, Birmingham is in brass” - Centre for West Midlands History.
The city of Birmingham was known as the ‘Victorian Powerhouse’, and it’s influence was felt throughout the entire world. From it’s impact at the heart of the Industrial Revolution, and the invention and development of the steam engine, thanks to pioneers including James Watt, Matthew Boulton and William Murdock, to it becoming known as the ‘toyshop of Europe’ due to it’s rapid growth of brass foundries in the 19th century, this era of Birmingham’s history is what made it a trailblazer in industry and the world, much of which can still be felt today.
Pasture, Birmingham, hopes to become an ode to the era that put the city on the map, with references to Gothic Revival and medieval architecture, the fleurs de lys, quatrefoils, bold prints, rich jewel tones, ornate displays and a dark overall ambience, with focal points omitting a golden glow, evocative of the glow of men working in the brass foundries, balanced against industrial references which have become united with the Pasture brand and the celebration of fire-based cooking.

Photography : Stevie Campbell // @steviecampbellcreative